Zero Retries 0159: Looking for HF-forwarding packet nodes to extend RF-only network in USA

We're using VARA HF and ARDOP between NVIS-range stations. The conventional 300-baud AFSK mode isn't very good for HF links, which is why we're using VARA and ARDOP. Currently we have from NY to Virginia linked. NVIS range preferred for 24/7 links. We want to keep extending to every direction (except eastward over the ocean obviously). Map:'s a page dedicated to RF forwarding here: The most common setup is a packet node using BPQ with a VARA HF port or ARDOP, with BBS mail forwarding set up to forward to a partner BBS using one of those modes. Other modes can be used as well, but VARA HF is easily the best performer (except probably the very expensive PACTOR mode).
Thanks, 73 Jeff KP3FT

In the early to middle stages of the “Packet Radio Revolution”, forwarding of Packet Radio Bulletin Board System (PBBS) traffic via HF was common… but problematic as the 300 baud Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) modulation and the AX.25 protocol was barely up to the task of getting messages back and forth over noisy, erratic HF frequencies. A single bit error in a packet would require resending the entire packet. In fact, it’s surprising this system worked at all. When access to the Internet became available for the general public, much of the PBBS traffic moved to the Internet… until PBBS usage fell to the point where PBBS sysops didn’t feel it was worth continuing to keep a PBBS online. But PBBS’ are seeing a resurgence, and we now have VARA HF which, in a phrase, “just works”, because it’s robust, adaptive, and offers higher data rates. For those that prefer not to use VARA HF, Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol (ARDOP) is also an option. It’s notable that this network uses Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) techniques to “restrict” the area covered to “regional” versus “worldwide” propagation. The G8BPQ BBS package has good integration with both VARA HF and ARDOP. Kudos to KP3FT and friends for getting the radio back into Amateur Radio Networking.

Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Editor

Jack Stroh, Late Night Assistant Editor Emeritus