Radio Relay International

RRI Digital Traffic Network (DTN) would be happy to accept formal radiogram traffic from anyone in the TPRFN network. However, the DTN is not intended for bulletin or personal messages. To start, message entry to the DTN can be through my station and more entry points can be added if needed. Messages need to follow the DTN addressing format of zip@NTSxx where zip is the zip code and xx is the state or province of the addressee.

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AuxComm USA

AuxComm USA is the citizen side of emergency communications. Unlike the government AuxComm, we are truly all inclusive in our membership and for those we support. Our members train to fit seamlessly in the NIMS and ICS systems. Additionally, we have the capability to reach out to responders for those who have lost communication lifelines and are in need of assistance.

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Packet Radio Bulletin Net (PKTNET)

Packet Radio's monthly bulletin net.. Net usually runs from the 3rd Sunday of the month and goes for one week. Use the Learn More button below to download the current html to text packet radio form. SEE SITE CALENDAR FOR NET SCHEDULE.