NETWORK NUTS & BOLTS: __________________________________________________________________________________ JUST ADDED 01-26-25, NEW END USER ACCESS OPTION! WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACCESS AND PASS TRAFFIC THROUGH THE NETWORK? We have add a link below that will give you step by step info for using an End User application that leverages VARA HF. Give it a try! ___________________________________________________________________________________ The network is based on BPQ32 Packet Node & BBS software. BPQ allows us to add the following ports: VHF/UHF AX25 VHF/UHF VARA FM VARA HF 20/40/80 ARDOP HF 20/40/80 Winlink RMS Gateway Available on all ports AREDN Mesh TCP Backup Links Addons: APRS: SMS & Email Services on HF via 300bd & VARA HF How to access the network: Most any Node/BBS type can forward in and out of the network Winlink Express for RMS Services End User Access: QTtermTCP work with VARA, KISS & TELNET And Others APRS: APRSIS32 Pinpoint Others Check the Hub Station Profiles for individual Freq, times & modes offered!
FREQUENCIES & TIMES, Dial 7.103.2, USB, 1500, BW500, Times 1300 - 0159 UTC Dial 3.596, USB, 1500, BW500, Times 0200 - 1259 UTC Dial 14.1065, USB, 1500, BW500, Times 1300 - 0159 UTC
Frequencies | TPRFN HOME PAGE
HUB STATIONS LIST, ME - W1DTX-4 CT - K1AJD-7 (OFFLINE) CNY - KP3FT-4 EPA - N3MEL-2 DE - KA3VSP-1 VA - KN4LQN-2 FL - KD4WLE-3 WI - K5DAT-1 IN - WW6Q-1 Click Link Below For Hub Station Profile, this will give the station setup and services for each of the hubs.
Hub Stations Profiles | HERE
Polling Station Map | HERE
VARA HF MODEM INFO, The VARA HF modem is notable for several key features: 1. High Data Rates: It offers significantly higher data rates compared to traditional HF modems, making it suitable for applications requiring faster data transmission. 2. Robust Performance: It provides reliable communication even under challenging conditions, such as poor signal quality or high noise environments, which is critical for HF radio operations. 3. Ease of Use: The modem is designed to be user-friendly, with straightforward setup and operation, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users. 4. Compatibility: VARA HF modem is compatible with various software applications and can be integrated into existing communication systems, enhancing its versatility. 5. Adaptive Technology: It uses adaptive technology to optimize performance based on real-time conditions, ensuring efficient and effective communication. 6. Error Correction: The modem incorporates robust error correction protocols, reducing the likelihood of data loss or corruption during transmission. These features make the VARA HF modem a valuable tool for applications such as emergency communication, remote field operations, and amateur radio.
VARA Modem Download Page | HERE
ARDOP MODEM, The ARDOP (Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol) modem is a digital communication protocol designed for amateur radio use. It facilitates data transmission over radio frequencies, allowing for various types of digital communication, such as text messaging and data file transfers. ARDOP is known for its robustness and efficiency, providing reliable performance even under poor signal conditions. It uses Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) to ensure data integrity and can operate on HF, VHF, and UHF bands. The protocol is open-source and has been integrated into various software applications for amateur radio operators.
APRS MESSAGING, APRS messaging for (inbound) SMS & Email services are currently being tested!
APRS Message How to | HERE
NVIS BASED NETWORK, Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) communication is a technique used in amateur ("ham") radio to establish reliable short-range to medium-range radio communications. •NVIS communication involves using antenna configurations and frequencies that allow radio signals to be sent straight up into the ionosphere and then reflected back down to cover a circular area with a radius of approximately 20 miles to 400 miles. This method is often used for local and regional communication where line-of-sight or longer-distance propagation is less effective. •NVIS communication is particularly useful for emergency and disaster communications where traditional long-distance transmissions may be hindered.
NVIS Base Network Map | HERE